Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!



Healing Minds In Conflict, Not Conflict Resolution, Is Needed In The Mideast



Note: this article still in the process of editing and will be regularly updated and posted in its latest form at

In a world inundated with conflict, strife and war, where the world has trained us to have the attention span of a gnat, we are addressing an issue that experts estimate, in the last 6,000 years, have cost approximately two billion lives. There is no pill, no instant fix for that. A deep shift in our beliefs about ourselves, how our minds work, and how the world actually works is going to be needed in order to create a different legacy for our future generations. It can be done. In my half a century plus of developing and supporting people using the tools and understanding herein presented, I have watched the troubled, the violent, the divorcing, the addicted and the imprisoned turn their lives around using the ancient, and modern materials correlation here. To make it easy to begin, you can either read or listen to this article, and, at the end of this article there is contact information for free personal support and links to free video and audio instruction. version 5/1/2024:

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Carl Jung, perhaps one of the most brilliant psychiatrists of all time, wrote:

“Whatever is rejected from the Self, appears (through blame) in the world (called perception) as an event!

We meet ourselves (in our projections on others) time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.”

“Until the unconscious becomes conscious it will direct our lives and we will call it fate!

Everything that (appears to) irritate us about “others” can lead to understanding (and healing) one’s Self!”


The deepest truth about you is that you are designed to know yourself as Love — that Love is the very Essence, the very energy you are made of! You are designed to be healthy, whole, cherished and cared for. And function as Love. To the degree that you are not in the experience you were designed for, your body, your mind, your relationships, and your life are going to reflect the dis-ease, and unhealed conflicts you hold within. After 50+ years of working with people recovering the Truth of this statement, the Truth of who they are, it has become obvious to me that instruction on the deepest principles of inner healing are urgent. Those whose minds are functioning from an energy other than Love must learn to REBOOT the MIND back up in its proper operating system! Please pass these tools for recovery on to others so they become available to every Mind, Heart and Being on the planet.





If you’re uncomfortable, in trauma, under attack or experiencing pain the tools presented herein are going to change your life! This work will show you not how to treat your pain, for treatment is world apart from healing! Healing only happens when we learn how address and change all pain and suffering we experience at the level of cause.


If you are comfortable and satisfied with the status quo, if you believe others are the reason for upset in your life, this article is very likely to bring up a great deal of discomfort. In fact, it is designed with that purpose in mind.


Approximately 4,000 years ago, in a text that is generally thought to be about religion, we discover that, in its original language, Aramaic, it is about physics, physiology, psychology and genetics. In it a man named Job, after much suffering, offered the world a deep, difficult and rarely comprehended lesson in responsibility, how the world actually works and how to own your own creatorship. In one sentence Job explained the physics, the psychology and the emotional dynamics of how repeating, widespread traumatic events, including war and suffering are created and passed from generation to generation.

“For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me,

And what I dreaded has happened to me!” Job 3:25

What Job was acknowledging was that he had troubles due to the dysfunction in his own mind. He admitted to himself, and the world, that his mind was in-fear-ior to the mind he was born with and realized that not looking inside for the cause of one’s pain is part of his mental disability.


When we have the ‘eyes to see,’ and the ‘ears to hear’ we understand that Job had the humbling insight that when fear and dread are running his mind he is creating results that are, because of the errant energy he held, against his own best interests! In admitting and accepting responsibility for his dysfunctional mind, as, we all can do, Job is opening a space for profound healing… he is stepping into the powerful, life changing admission that his own distorted mind is the ultimate cause of his suffering, loss and the traumatic effects in his life! Note I am not saying he is to blame, he’s just coming to grips with his responsibility for his life, something very rare in our world today. In effect, Job is owning the fact that he has a particularly pernicious form of unconscious Mental Self Abuse — the twin Mental Illnesses of fear and dread.

“ANY movement in the human mind, based in fear and/or hostility

corrupts the functioning of the mind/body/nervous system!”

                                                           — dr. michael ryce

This understanding and admission, I offer, it the huge and necessary first step in healing! We must give up, in both our thoughts and languaging, looking outside of ourselves for the cause of our experiences and admit there is a problem — inside. When WE fully unpack Job’s insight and apply it to our lives we come to understand OUR part, as Job did, in causing the terrible events and repeating generational patterns in our lives! He plainly, and emphatically tells us that the feared and dreaded outcomes in our lives BEGIN in our own MINDS! Life, and the people we populate our world with, are the result of a process we, through denial of responsibility, have lost control of. When we live with a mind fueled by fear and dread we are limited to drawing people to us that resonate with a life of conflict, attack, pain, suffering, seeming hopelessness — and “Why Is This Happening TO ME… AGAIN?!” experiences!


The human mind, I offer, is meant to be fueled by Love! Check out the energy natural to us, as humans, by simply holding, quietly, and with deep contemplation, one with an untainted mind… A newborn. Notice, if its belly is full, and it’s diaper is empty, the state of serenity. And Love!


“Love is the Light in which Truth becomes visible.” dr. michael ryce


There is an urgent concept to reform in the minds of those weaned on errant Greek mythology, as virtually the whole Western world has been. “Sin” in our world has become a burden that inspires much fear in people, the very error that Job found twisted his life, until he overcame, to ruin. In Aramaic, the original language of the historic wisdom keepers of our Western world, “Sin” was simply an archery term that meant, “off the mark,” that one had engaged in an energy that was less than their highest and best. Sin has nothing to do with one’s identity! It was an energy, once engaged, that one could naturally, and straightforwardly, without fanfare, remove from their lives, and the removal process was called Forgiveness. Rather than live a life, as many have done, where it becomes a focal point of their energy, conversations and claimed identity, simply be like Elsa, in the movie, Frozen, and, rather than dwell on it, just, “Let it go!”


One of the greatest “sins,” as Job discovered — is to allow your mind to be run by fear, or its near twin, hostility. Job, when you unpack the seemingly simple insight above, is informing us that when we live in a mind run by fear and dread, and apply those mental energies to a fantasized outcome, OR A GENETICALLY IMPLANTED UNRESOLVED ISSUE, WE set the blueprint for events that will be delivered, to us, by life! When we add additional emotional amplifiers to thought complexes based in fear and dread — things like greed, guilt and/or hostility in any of it’s forms — into the scenario, we have the perfect trifecta for victimhood and repeated trauma. This, when understood, is an exact definition of mental illness. When we integrate Job’s newfound understanding of truth, the words ‘innocent’ and ‘victim’ are an oxymoron! There are no victims, only volunteers! We volunteer by insisting the state of our mind is justified and is an effect of what is happening in our world, rather than the cause, as Job discovered.


The profound conclusion implicate in Job’s deep, experiential learning, is the fact that the power to bring about results in the world lies in the mind entertaining a complex of negative thoughts and intensifying the energy of that complex with fear and dread. Of course, the complimentary implication is that the mind entertaining a complex of constructive thoughts and intensifying the energy of that complex with Love also has the power to bring about results in the world! It has been called, “positive thinking,” but there is far more to it.


This expression of understanding that Job attained is one of the first historical indications, of which I am aware, of a rudimentary comprehension of the world of quantum physics, of how the world of actuality works, the understanding of which is a necessary prerequisite to true healing. Without this knowledge most efforts to recoup health and wholeness are just symptom treatment which is just, “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic!” You might get a better view of the band’s performance, but the ship is going down! We must go beyond just changing perception though that is a beginning point…


Job’s observation of how his fear and dread, applied to a concept held in his mind is, in fact, a conversation about the “observer effect” as proven in the physics lab. The World that appears, in perception, to be outside of us is actually a product of the mind and exists nowhere except in the mind of the perceiver! And that world, being strictly internal, is the result of energies moving inside of us. And every energy that moves inside of us, because we are all connected, impacts everything that appears to be outside of us! Fear, and its brother, hostility, are amplifiers of whatever we originate and hold within us. Denial of what is moving within, due to the intense resistance to ownership, adds even more amplitude to whatever it is we believe is caused from without.


Albert Einstein informed us that, “The theory you have about a thing determines what you observe!” One who believes their problems are caused from the outside, and are everyone else’s fault, will live in that delusion! Job, in a single sentence dispelled the lie, “That which I feared most, that which I dreaded…”


Einstein went on to explain:

“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part

limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and

feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion

of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting

us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening

our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and

the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve

this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself

a part of the liberation and foundation for inner security.”

Einstein obviously understood the difference between reality — the output of the mind — and actuality — what is, and the false nature of the constructs of the mind!

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein

In 1999 the CIA published a conclusion that confirms that tribal beliefs based in a “them” and “us” world, “optical delusions,” according to Einstein, perceptions seemingly necessary for survival, were in fact the opposite of what is true. In their book, The Psychology Of Intelligence Analysis they offer; “Perception (reality) is demonstrably an active rather than passive process; it constructs rather than records “reality!” People (continuously) construct their own version of reality…”


We see the pictures in our minds and call it the world. Our instruments extend our senses and therefore restructure our view and understanding of the world. However, if we do not restructure the underlying content of our minds through which we have previously locked into error then that error will repeat in our new and extended perceptions.


And, of course, the “realities” we construct are evidence, first and foremost, of the content of our own minds. Minds in error literally see their constructed world through the lies they tell themselves. Interestingly, when you admit you are a creator, you realize you live in a world of make believe! First you make it up; then you believe it; and then you go out and produce results to prove your power! Sure enough, if your mind requires ‘enemies’ — your BS, Belief System, which only gives you the evidence you ask for — remember Einstein’s “theory you have about a thing,” and the world of, “optical delusions” — will prove you right!


Anil Seth, neuroscientist and professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex explains, and demonstrates how the evidential mind works, this way: “Perception is a mental construct, generated by the mind/body/nervous system… The whole world we (think) we see is an hallucination unique to each person! When we agree on our shared hallucinations, we call it ‘reality…’”

“Actuality is what is…

 …Reality is nothing more than an often errant perceptual

 construct of the mind that gives meaning to that actuality.” michael ryce


Perception — the world we think we see with our eyes — is, quite literally, an hologram generated out of past content — a projection of the mind! We “see” nothing with our eyes… We “see” with our brains! And, as “real” as it looks, there is no life in a hologram!


With this understanding, obviously, we must, if we want to reclaim the power we actually have stop hiding things from ourSelves! If we are going to pass on a world of safety and Love to our descendants, we are going to have to take responsibility for, and heal the hidden parts of ourSelves, the parts stuck in blame and victimhood! If one wishes to rid themselves of a feared, dreaded event, fighting against that result in the “world” we think we see outside of us, is futile — for by simple resistive engagement — energy is added to the cause — which is within!


Recall a particularly brilliant man’s instructions, 2000 or so years ago, “Resist not evil!” As long as fear and dread are attached to a negative, dissociated fantasy in the mind, the world must deliver on its promise: ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE! GUARANTEED! Somehow any created result will continue to arrive, right on time as anticipated, until it’s cause is REMOVED. That is physics! It is a statement of our power, as human beings, to create results in our world! I offer that one of the main purposes of the rest of the books that accompany Job in the collection called the Bible, are man’s attempt to understand and resolve the dilemma Job presented: How does the blind application of fear to a clearly unwanted result bring about precisely the result in question… AGAIN… AND AGAIN!? and what can I do about it?


A family, many families, wiped out… AGAIN?! A centuries old generational conflict continues… Each ignoring the wisdom keeper they have in common, Job, and blaming the “other!” And, living in the desert of ignorance, denying responsibility, as in this case, each says, “WE REALLY DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY THIS IS HAPPENING TO US AGAIN!?”


Shocking events not only in Israel and Gaza, but around the world, in families and communities all over the world! An equally shocking change of thinking and understanding will be needed to bring us to sanity and resolution. Do not expect the answer to confirm to your understanding of how the world works unless you are up on the latest in physics and the way the mind works… especially if your mind has already put the blame outside of yourself! Notice, every time “it” has happened to you, you are the ONLY one that was there. If in bewilderment, you have asked the question, “Why Is This Happening TO ME… AGAIN?! recognize you are going to have to change some of the deepest unconscious dynamics at work in your own mind! And there is only one answer that will ever bring serenity and healing into reach for all sides in every conflict!


This Mid-Eastern generational war, as with virtually every cultural “enemy” and family squabble in history, has gone on too long! No one is born with hatred or enemies. Each is a learned, corrupted construct instilled within any mind that swims in the toxic mental, cultural and family environments of fear and/or hostility. Eventually, until questioned, living in these aberrant states will become ‘normal,’ ‘knowledge,’ and, ‘the way it is,’ — all lies, that appear true, in a mind working from corrupted data.


Anyone questioning what has become a cultural norm, like, “They are enemy!” will be labeled “traitor” and lumped in with said “enemy!” This is an idea usually promoted by those who are profiting off of a culture maintaining some particular group of enemies. Notice how often, as profit, or other beneficial viability of one “enemy” fades, another is fabricated. Eisenhower warned us. Major General Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine of his day, way back 1935, wrote in detail about it!

Read it free…


I worked, about thirty years ago, with a Jewish woman who had lived in Israel. She shared with me that she became an activist and advocate for the Palestinian community when her own children were taught subtraction, in the community school, by “minus-ing” Arabs, their brothers! People who, they were being taught, were the “enemy.” Though I have no direct experience with such sad brainwashing of children from the Arab side of the equation, I have heard similar stories in reverse. Generational hate perpetuated through ignorance and unwillingness to go within and do the requisite work of cleaning up one’s own befouled mind has become the norm.


Read 1 Sam 15:3… “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”


And Joshua 6:21: And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.” Another version says: “Go in and clean house, and don’t leave anything breathing! Don’t leave a donkey, child, woman, old man or old woman breathing. Wipe out Jericho.”


Those profiting the most from these ignorant, self-destructive commands put them in the mouth of the Highest Authority and the wars between brothers go on! One has to be quite ignorant to hold to the belief that a Creator called Love ever conceived of such insane instructions!


The work required for actual healing…

As long as war and traumatic energetic memories exist in the psyche of humans, those dynamics will, when resonated into activity, reflect in the mind as, “thought disorders,” distorted perception and they will play out in thoughts, words, attitudes and behavior in the world. Each trauma energy held will produce “destructive” — what people label their opportunities to heal – results until healed. As long as atrocities remain unresolved in the minds, genes, family systems, in the teachings, myths, modeling and stories of a people, generation after generation will live and die in the desert of unresolved, projected internal trauma reflected in what appear to be external experiences! Energetic patterns and behaviors that unconsciously draw all trauma to us are internally generated – all we need do is add energies of fear, dread, rage, etc.


These painful actions will be repeatedly played out within the family, friends and/or with neighbors, which will take on the construct “enemies,” within the dissociated, unsuspecting, self-inflicted mind!


Carl Jung defined these unresolved thought disorders, carried by everyone, as “the shadow.” A part of ourselves we have cut ourselves off from and, in turn, projected into our brain’s perceptions, images, dreams and fantasies of “others.” In the ancient Aramaic language, these aberrant states of mind, when active, were understood to control attitudes, words, emotions, perception and behavior, and were called “deyvan” or demon. The Greeks had their pantheon of demons and have people chasing nonexistent “external” creatures, demons, that are projections of one’s own dissociated mind. Fear, as Job discovered, is one such demon to be cast out! Job, with his projected, dissociated, insane state of mind — fear — came right to the edge of totally destroying his life. How is such a “demon” cast out? “Perfect Love!”


We must put an end to the multi-generational, self-inflicted fantasy of victimhood that many mistakenly swear is true! The unhealed mind sees its own projections, rising in its own mind as aberrant perception, everywhere it “looks!” Though having eyes, it sees not but its own projections arising from within. When in denial, the pretense that something outside of us is the cause of what is moving within, causes distortions in perception, a dysfunction of the mind. Due to the dissociation caused by denial, we populate our perception, with “demons” — projections of our own thought disorders. In the ancient teachings such a mind was called “the mind of man,” which metaphorically has been described as: “seeing as through a glass, darkly,” being, “lost in the desert!” “the wolf,” and, in some cultures “the trickster” or “the wily coyote.”


Never facing ourselves directly we think we can live a normal life, pretending there are no “skeletons in our closets.” The projections that hound people, are but mentally generated symbols of the parts of self that, in most family systems, and most modern cultures have been disowned and kept in the dark for eons. To become an early adopter of consciously entering the recesses of one’s own “desert,” one’s own unconscious mind, and cleaning up dynamics found there, is a grand task which few are prepared for, and, in a lifetime, few will accomplish without instruction, guidance and support. The principles behind this obscure, to the mind without the “brain cells,” internal healing process have been available, and sadly hidden, for centuries.


People have acknowledged me for the work I have put together in this regard but, I would like to be clear! Without the guidance, without the deep understanding of our Aramaic wisdom keepers reflected in the Aramaic translations of both the Old, and New Testaments, this work would be nothing! If those wisdom keepers read the mangled, twisted meanings assigned to their words by the Greek translations, I suspect every one of them would say, “That is ALL Greek to me!”


When you realize the human mind is designed to be fueled by Love, and that its dark, unresolved conflicts, over generations, became the root of perceptions reflecting the twin, debilitating mental illnesses of fear and hostility, it is a shock. Sanity requires a rebuild of the whole system of thought! The mental illnesses common today, result in a physiological state called Sympathetic Dominance, commonly known as “fight or flight.” In what was meant to be an emergency, momentary adaptation for survival, where blood flow to the higher centers of the brain, nervous system, and the functions of rest, digestion, regeneration, reproduction and elimination is shunted to the larger muscles and lungs to empower one to fight or run we have an awesome adaptation that works! However, when this particularly pernicious form of mental illness is not recognized for what it is, it becomes chronic and debilitating physically, mentally and emotionally! Not recognized for what it is, “treatment” is generally restricted to the introduction of manipulated petroleum-based molecules that suppress symptoms while exacerbating disturbances throughout both the body and the mind.


Here is a link to 23-minute training I did for Medical Professionals at AVACEN Medical, which has a device that helps restore those with a chronic fear/hostility and stress-based fracture of the Autonomic Nervous System. When, due to the impact of the heat delivered through a mechanism in the palm of the hand called the Arterio-venous anastomoses (AVAs), the blood supply of the whole body is warmed by just a little less than one degree. Blood viscosity is reduced and, as restricted micro circulation is restored, Parasympathetic activation is achieved. Strained, tense muscles tend to soften and relax. The chronic restriction resulting from being, “uptight,” is resolved through increased blood flow which tends to restore balance to every function in the body by reestablishing the normal delivery of the myriad of nutrients, oxygen, hormones and blood factors needed by every cell to function properly. This restoration also means the mechanism of waste, toxicity and inflammation removal, especially important in tissue congested and constricted by tight muscles, is enhanced, speeding the removal cellular waste resulting in higher energy levels and an improved experience of well-being for most people, especially those with micro circulatory issues which involves just about every dis-ease process known in the human realm.



Until unresolved generational fear and hostility, and the ever-increasing stress brought on by those mental and physiological disabilities and their related behavior anomalies are faced and healed, there is deep physiological and mental division and ever-increasing conflict. All the conflict resolution in the world will not help because resolving the effect, in the outer world, of the issues upon which the self-inflicted have projected their pain, like all symptom treatment fails at the cause level! The only true resolution for an individual, family system, community or nation is to remove the offending energy from within the mind(s) of those so inflicted! Any entity that refuses to go within and do that work will remain, “A house divided against itself!” one which, “Cannot stand!”


In a mind where Love is restricted or voided altogether by unresolved fear/hostility and/or excessive stress, aberrant perception governs and the related stresses are the primary cause of all dis-eases! Whether the mind is radically infected with unresolved thought disorders, so as to be totally nonfunctional, or a less injured mind we identify as “somewhat” normal — critical, angry, depressed, agitated, rageful, violent — but, “functional” — what we need to admit, if we are going heal our world, what we are going to have to own to solve the problem, is we are talking about, simply, a mental illness! In a trauma-informed mind, the “shadow” colors, defines and gives meaning to everything perceived, including the Self and all “others!” The level of one’s mental illness can be assessed by the words, the language they use. Words based in fear and/or hostility produce results that any truly sane person would say they abhor, but then most have someone else they blame, rarely looking to their own minds for the root of their problems! We must, as Job did, come face to face with Truth. We are awash in a world of fear and hostility, the very definition of the theological idea of a “fallen world,” and in need of healing. This, however, is not a Theological notion, it is as secular as it gets, as is the solution.


Carl Jung could be seen as confirming Job’s thesis about how deeply damaged his life has been by fear and dread when he says: “In asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage or hatred.”


With sufficient energetic trauma the experience of the SELF — as it truly is — as Love, as worthy, as capable, as acceptable, as honorable, as deserving of approval and being cared for — is obliterated. When a mind constructs its world view, and its experience of “self” through dynamics rooted in thought disorders based in fear, it self-inflicts pain, and blocking the fact that it was the common link, the only one present, and therefore responsible for every painful experience, a mind so inflicted has to hallucinate an “enemy” to “blame!”


Unknowingly, the mind caught in its own projections is engaging, as Job implied, in a self-destructive creative act based in fear! Unreal thoughts — thought disorders — bar access to the Truth of who “We” and the “Other” are. Carl Jung brilliantly outlined both the impact and the solution of succumbing to “seeing” ourselves and the world through such a mind:

“Until the unconscious (dissociated) mind becomes conscious it will direct

our lives and we will call it fate. Greater than all physical dangers are the

tremendous effects of delusional ideas, (fear based thought disorders projected)

which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much

vaunted reason and our boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly

powerless in the face of (projected) ‘unreal’ thoughts.”

“Indeed, it is becoming ever more obvious that it is not famine, not earthquakes,

not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man’s greatest danger to man,

for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against the psychic

epidemic (of projected fear), which are infinitely more devastating than the worst

of natural catastrophes. The wolf inside’ man is far more a threat to human

existence than external forces. When mental forces become so toxic as to harm

our overall well-being on an individual and collective level a ‘psychic epidemic’

can result. Modern society is prone to collapse due to a pandemic of “delusional ideas.”

“Those who look without… Dream

Those who look within… Awaken!” Carl Jung

“Looking” at the world through perception — constructs of the mind that come from the mind — means we are “seeing” the content of our own minds in the images perceived, images generated by the mind. Truly, one “thinking” they are seeing something outside of themSelves, are lost in a dream. Cleaning up the source of the dream, which only happens when we look within, supports actual awakening!

 “From the brain and the brain alone arise our pleasures, joys, laughter,

and jests, as well as our sorrows, pains, and griffs.” Hippocratic


“The specialty of the mind is hiding from itself by projection through blame…” 

“All perception, all sensed data, arises from the activity of the mind. Every picture “seen,” every sound “heard,” every touch “felt” is a product of the firing of “brain cells” — but it does not have to be that way!”


We, individually, and collectively, must stop projecting what we do not wish to deal with within ourSelves! The True Self, Love, is covered up by generation upon generation of identification with errant thoughts and feelings — thought disorders about self and others. These errors must be undone.


If an energy moving within is based in any form of pain, hostility or fear it must be owned and removed. If not owned it’s underlying cause will remain hidden and therefore inaccessible and the “noise” of it will cover up the subtle energy of one’s ability to choose or to heal. Remember, “Higher Guidance” was called the “still, small voice.” Each effort at removal of pain-based content from a mind, though perhaps insincere and seemingly futile at first, will weaken the “noise of all pain.” Sufficient weakening and choice will appear full blown. In Aramaic the “removal” process for pain was called “Forgiveness!”


None of the three branches of the Abrahamic tree, today considered to be three of the world’s “great” religions, appear not to understand what their common wisdom keeper, Job, offered about the invisible, tragic impact of fear and dread on the operation of their minds and the atrocities visited on them and the lives of those surrounding them! As a result, somewhat like the Hatfield and McCoys, these family members have been killing each other, and warring with their brothers and sisters for centuries. On June 14, 2003, the Hatfield’s and McCoys, in conflict since 1863, signed a peace agreement. Perhaps a model for healing?


Enemies do not exist in the “actual” world, they are fabrications — “realities” constructed, from the dissociated, pained “shadow” content of one’s own mind! That action alone diminishes the Being experiencing the projected construct, “enemy!” The idea that someone delivers what one has asked for, “that which I feared most,” does not make them an enemy. “Enemy” and violence are a result of the projection of the “shadow” side of one’s own “heart,” or unconscious. This is why the “felt” experience of an “enemy” is so painful — the whole ordeal is internally generated! First, pretending that someone outside of you is the cause of what is moving within you involves giving up awareness of the physiological experience of One’s Self as Love. Anyone who cannot maintain awareness of “Self” as Love, and extend Love to any “other,” has given up their Human Life — — and surrendered to an energy — fear — that was never meant to fuel the human mind! These actions and expressions of internal dynamics, produce the felt experience, and then the mind, uses the corrupt data it contains and “massages” that data into false visual images, based in blame, generated by the brain! And while the mind can be tricked by its own visual hallucinations into believing in its projections, falsely believing the cause of its pain and disturbance is external, note the pain is still felt in the body housing the problem of denied and dissociated fear!


What I cannot hold a space of Love for, diminishes me!


This is a difficult principle for a mind steeped in fear to comprehend, which, I offer, is why Job’s brilliant insight and admission was ignored, even by himSelf until he reconnected his mind to Love. Recall, if you read the whole book of Job, or just tap into a reading of it on the Internet, his insight about the impact of his fear on his life comes quite early, but, with his own lack of understanding, he goes on for days, as most do, with his confusion, and that of his friends. Listen to all the conversations as they go on and on, the blame, the accusations, and distractions from the Truth he had already admitted to himSelf! His wife is so perplexed she actually tells him to commit suicide! Without the, “eyes to see,” and, “the ears to hear,” without the brain cells to comprehend the deeply hidden — by the mind in denial — principles of healing, the process of actual healing gets lost in the din of the disconnected mind.


Many will say, “Oh, none of this applies to me!” But, let me be clear here — we are talking about any child, in any culture, at any time in history, who has experienced fear, and did not have adults who could guide them through healing that fear — and I don’t mean comforts them — I mean actually knows how to heal fear! “Well, Michael, now you are talking about virtually everybody, including you and I!”


I think you are getting my drift!


One such expression of this dynamic is the parent who attempts to explain away their perverted actions, based in unresolved thought disorders, toward a Son or Daughter, “I am only (beating) (berating) (degrading) you because, I “Love you,” and it “hurts me more than it does you!” for me to do this to you.


“No, Mom, no Dad, you are abusing me because you and I are existent in a desert of unresolved, generational family trauma! And I offer it does not hurt you in the least to do this to me, it alleviates and gives vent to the unresolved, generational pain you refuse to own and forgive, the relentless, unconscious fear and pain you express from when you are under stress and live with every day!”

This seemingly unresolvable pain is why people hold their breath, sigh in exasperation, fight, rage and see enemies everywhere they turn. Ever look at the divorce rate? And the number of people who appear to be “married” but, in their hearts were divorced years ago? It is estimated that worldwide, in 2022 alone, war and violence, ended 238,000 lives and cost $17.5 trillion! Even though experts tell us we are living through one of the most peaceful times in human history! The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies estimates that from 3600 BC to 1974 there have been approximately 2 billion people murdered in war! All because of the healable generational mental illness of dissociated fear, hostility, stress and dread, projected! And, if we listen to the many conversations going on in the world today, we are, sadly, on the precipice of another avalanche of murderous bloodbath globally! When will they ever learn? When will we ever learn?


Rachel Yehuda, and her colleagues, researchers in the growing field of epigenetics and the inter-generational effects of trauma, have long studied mass trauma survivors and their offspring. Their latest results reveal that descendants of people who survived the Holocaust have changed physiology and nervous systems — different stress hormone profiles than their peers, perhaps predisposing them to anxiety disorders.


The Ancestral Ghost In Your Genes:


Environmental, non-genetic inheritance and susceptibility to disease — epi-influences that become part of our DNA have been identified by modern science as a fact, and what is perceived to be Theology spoke of the same eons ago! Job, who lived in approximately 2200 BC, knew it! He told us how a life became infected and produced detestable results four millennium ago. Even Pogo said it: “We have met the enemy at the enemy is us!” And the noise of a mind in denial keeps people blind.


Many, if not all of our wounds and conflicts and therefore our pain and inclinations toward violent perceptual constructs, thoughts, words, emotions, and behaviors, are rooted in genetically inherited traumas — Jung’s “shadow” — multi-generational assaults, reinforced, through unconscious actions, generation after generation — stored and projected repeatedly (family, friends, enemies and self), ad nauseam! Each painful event appears to be distinct and separate, seemingly connected by nothing except that it is happening… AGAIN! Download a free copy, in any one of nine languages, of, Why Is This Happening To ME…AGAIN?!, at


ALL of the effects we are talking about are directly connected to unresolved generational trauma. As Job realized, his multifaceted loss and suffering was connected to his own unhealed fear and dread. Once again, Carl Jung expands our understanding! He precisely described the source of our unconsciously driven behavior, and the seemingly unavoidable repeating of generational trauma and conflict, as he explains why the patterns repeat and the only way true resolution can be achieved:

“Whatever is rejected from the Self, appears (through blame) in the world (called perception) as an event!

We meet ourselves (in our projections on others) time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.

Until the unconscious becomes conscious it will direct our lives and we will call it fate!

Everything that (appears to) irritate us about “others” can lead to understanding (and healing) one’s Self!”


It is a trick perpetrated by the biased, corrupted perceptual constructs in the mind that allows us to think that these events are all separate and separated from each other! The connecting link, when the mind allows us a glimpse, is that they are ALL based in unresolved traumas that, when activated, obscure the subtle, permanently available Human experience of ourSelves as our True Nature, Love! This is a strictly internal problem, that can only be resolved internally.


When disconnected from our True Essence, Vision is blocked by internally generated pain that appears to be externally caused! We are reduced to “seeing” these unresolved, (but resolvable) dynamics as outside events, another trick of a mind infected by fear and dread — an almost universal mental illness — that people even play out with their own tender children! But the eye deceives, and the ears hear falsely! For those having eyes, do not see, and those having ears do not perceive (the truth!) When in denial, our projections are quite literally painted on the inside of our eyeballs! By our own minds! Thought disorders, converted to pictures by the mind, pictures that appear to be outside of us, remain unconscious, unresolved in the psyche of individuals, families, or a community, and, until understood and resolution begins, attack and defense will seem to be the only options. And the unfortunate nature of each defense is that it holds the energetic pattern, when amplified by fear, to draw the exact, corresponding attack.


“The totalitarian systems of the 20th century represent a kind of collective

psychosis. Whether gradually or suddenly, reason and common human decency

are no longer possible in such a system: there is only a pervasive atmosphere of

terror, and a projection of “the enemy,” imagined to be “in our midst.” Thus

society turns on itself, urged on by the ruling authorities.”

Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind

(Listen today, in America as, politicians tell their mob to “Strap on a glock for the coming election!”)


The illusion of separation, and the belief in an external enemy is a projection of one’s own mind turned against itSelf. This has resulted in the internal corruption of perception, created by denied thought disorders, like those that result in fear and/or hostility.


Albert Einstein, approaching life from the perspective of Actuality, addressed this issue, in 1950, when he opined the resolution of living a life of instability, threat and blocked, projected, unconscious pain…

“A human being is a spatially and temporally limited piece of the whole, what we

call the ‘Universe.’ He experiences himself and his feelings as separate from the rest,

an optical delusion of his consciousness! The quest for liberation from this bondage

is the only object of true religion. Not nurturing (tolerating) the illusion but only

overcoming it gives us the attainable measure of inner peace.”

Einstein, without speaking of how it is done, describes “overcoming the illusion” as our release from compulsive violence and the endless propensity of the dissociated mind to depression and the manufacture of “enemies!” Once again, in the first Century Aramaic language, the technology, and it is a truly shocking technology to those who think they have, “figured it out,” of release is defined as Forgiveness.


To heal, anyone with “enemies,” requires a major journey into the “desert” of their own minds to change the impact of unconscious dynamics on their lives! Instead of “justice,” which is usually ego “vengeance” in disguise, Forgiveness is the healing salve they need. Most people, if their ancestors have not done, and passed on any of the real inner work of cleaning up the generational patterns of thinking, language and behaviors, usually spend about the first 4 decades or so — 40 years — in the desert — mesmerized by blame, before starting to wake up from those habitual patterns. Resolution is a powerful life changer!


The 13th Century Sufi Mystic, Rumi, offers: “Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent.


We must put an end to the multi-generational fantasy of victimhood that our corrupted perception, our “optical illusions” seem to prove is true. We must rethink the lie that somehow appearing a victim in one’s own perception earns one the right to exact vengeance! Every action taken first delivers its energetic impact to the person engaging in the act! We get the original, they get the carbon copy! Those in denial, who refuse to own what is going on inside themselves, block awareness of the damage they do to their own psyche with each attack. “Justified,” attack, expressed from a mind trapped in the triple sanity destroyer of fear, hostility and blame, lends an air of credibility to the stories members of warring communities tell each other about the “terrible others!” The truth that each story of blame, as a fallacy, is Job’s monumental contribution to being restored to mental health, and thus having everything he had lost, restored — “That which I feared most…”


Active, Present Love is the master solvent of trauma. If it is not Love, it is generating lies in the mind! Someone in the community has to get big enough to bring healing, first, to their own trauma, and then pass that skill to others.


Most will say “Forgive” the perpetrators of the events that trigger hidden PTS(D)! Unfortunately, this means the underlying patterns, often generational, are ignored and left hidden to be activated another day! PLEASE, STOP LISTENING TO “FORGIVENESS” ADVICE THAT SAYS YOU MUST “FORGIVE” THEM OR YOURSELF!




LETTING ANOTHER, OR SELF “OFF THE HOOK” FOR WHAT IS ORIGINATED INSIDE IS TOTAL ERROR! The person telling you that the solution to your repeating pattern is “forgiving” self, or someone else for what is happening inside of you knows nothing about removing trauma from your genes, your mind, your emotions or body! If someone tells you that you need to forgive another, or yourself, understand they know NOTHING about actual Forgiveness. NEVER FORGIVE ANYONE! YET, AGAIN, LEARN TO FORGIVE CONTINUOUSLY! I know that sounds like a conflict but let me explain.

When feeling (frustrated) (angry) (annoyed) (terrorized) (murderous rage) (afraid) (lonely) (aversion) (responding out of wounds) and/or (blaming others), (blaming mySelf) or (unable to hold to the Mind of Love in me) or (……….) it is always opportunity for me to heal the pained constructs of my own mind/body/nervous system!


Sadly, when I hold unresolved pain or trauma within, it is easy to put the underlying energies of that TRAUMA, when triggered into activity, into my brain’s internally constructed perceptual images of that “other!” The “experience,” the pretense that “they” are the “cause” of the repeating trauma I am experiencing is the true definition of projection! When I make pictures, in my mind, of “others” out of my internally hidden, dissociated pain, I believe my mind’s hallucinations, its lying constructs and can pretend others are the reason I am in pain… AGAIN!


In our world, usually, by about the age of four, each child has been brainwashed into becoming a very devout, card-carrying member of the One World Universal “Religion” of BLAME! Once convinced by the mind’s dissociated trauma, that its pain-based interpretation of events is true, we are led directly away from understanding what is really going on, away from true healing… AGAIN!


Once again, as a reminder of a profoundly powerful insight into how the world really works, I am going to repeat Carl Jung, and Job:

“Whatever is rejected from the Self, appears (through blame) in the world

(called perception) as an event! We meet ourselves (in our projections on others)

time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.

“Until the unconscious becomes conscious it will direct our lives and we

will call it fate! Everything that (appears to) irritate us about “others” can

lead to understanding (and healing) one’s Self!”

 And Job: “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me,

And what I dreaded has happened to me!”


Have you ever been the object of another’s devout belief that you are the problem in their lives? Or, have you been convinced by your mind that someone else is the problem person in your life? Perhaps it is time to question your own membership in the Church of blame?!


I REPEAT! Many, if not all of our wounds, and therefore our pain, are rooted in genetically inherited traumas — traumas held INSIDE OF US — multi-generational assaults, reinforced, through unconscious actions, generation after generation — stored and repeated, ad nauseum! Each pained perception appears to be different, but ALL are based on that hidden, dissociated trauma that, when activated, obscures the subtle, permanently available experience of ourSelves as our True Nature, Love.


NEVER imposed from the outside, blocks to the awareness of ourSelves as Love are internal, and removable, if one has the technology to do so! All healing — the return to all pervasive serenity and Love — is a strictly inside job. The act of removing inter-generational trauma and pain causing thought disorders is the true definition of Forgiveness!


All perception is autobiographical! The constructs of our minds show us, first and foremost, what is going on INSIDE of us! Until generational traumas are removed, we are easily tricked into believing the false pictures and perceptions generated, as a result of denial, by our minds! As long as we believe that something outside of us is the cause, rather than just the trigger, of what is moving within, we inhabit a world of false perception, a world made up by our minds. Living in the world of “realities,” generated by our minds, voids the experience of “actuality,” voids truth. Emotion does not come from “seeing” or experiencing something in the world! All “felt” experience come from the activation of internally generated energies. ALL SELF-IMPOSED!

“All perception, including sensations in the “body” are autobiographical!

Many misinterpreted, projected signals have destroyed lives.”

Blamers would do well to understand DENIAL — the act of thinking, or speaking, as though something outside of oneSelf is the cause of what is moving on the inside! Denial results in instant dissociation, the hiding of Truth which blocks awareness of one’s own internal dynamics resulting in an unnatural condition called the unconscious mind!


Alanis Morissette clearly explains the truth of repeated experiences…


Been through a particular painful reality 87 different times with 42 different people? Notice YOU were the only one that was there every time! The echo of denial sounds like, “You make me so (mad!) (sad!) (afraid!) You (hurt!) me! I am an innocent victim and you (attacked me!)


The very things that people don’t want to look at or deal with are the things that are most urgent to be looked at and be dealt with! And, rest assured, life will give each who, through fear is unconsciously directing their lives, EVERY opportunity they need! For, Life’s purpose, when we dissociate from and hide , or project the cause of our pain, is to kick us right square in the limitation!


Mission Possible

How do we make the unconscious conscious? The tools for reliably opening what, in the ancient teachings was called the “Veil of the ‘temple,’” (body) beneath which we keep our pain hidden — the barrier between the subconscious and the unconscious mind — and removal of assault energy — appeared 2,000 years ago in the Aramaic language!


This ancient tool, Forgiveness, is a process that uncovers, and removes what we have hidden, through denial, within ourselves. The fake Greek substitute, pardoning, has supplanted actual Forgiveness by tricking us into believing that a strictly internal process is accomplished by an outer directed act. Forgive, let “them off the hook” we have been told! With that errant directive, the simple, effective healing technology of Forgiveness was LOST to humanity. In the Greek misinterpretation we are convinced we need to be “Forgiven” for something, rather than realizing there is something to be Forgiven (removed) from our minds! This slippery twist has left millions believing lies and letting others, “off the hook” for what is generated by their own minds, rather than taking responsibility for and removing from their minds (Forgiving) the projected and hidden (often generational content) within themSelves! This is not something to be figured out, or a belief system to be believed in but a work to be engaged.


Letting someone outside of us, “off the hook,” for what is going on inside of us will never rid us of our experience of internally generated hurt, upset or pain which are all dissociated reflections of denied fear. Outer directed acts do not bring correction to internally generated dynamics! Engaging in actual Forgiveness creates a visceral opening that facilitates the flow of Light and Love into every instant, every experience of our lives and physiology! Alone or lonely, afraid or sad, rageful or hateful — through Forgiveness — the space is created for Love to flow within and create a “clean and open space within the mind,” for the transmutation, the removal, of the energy of one’s pain which happens in an instant of actual Forgiveness! Lived pain or turmoil, I do not care how macho, how big, mean and tough you are, is always an invitation to end denial, to learn and to apply Forgiveness and remove the dis-ease energies from one’s own physiology and function as Love! For the macho man who wants to blow this idea off, you might ask yourSelf why men die, on average, almost 6 years before their female counterparts!


Perception — the world we think we see with our eyes — is an hologram generated out of past content — a projection of the mind! We “see” nothing with our eyes… We “see” with our brains! There is no life in a hologram!


Reality, or Perception, the output of the mind, is either a high quality, accurate picture, or a poor quality, deceptive projection. The experience of the Presence of Love in one’s physiology indicates the mind is on TRACK and any form of fear and/or hostility is an indicator that the mind is using corrupt data to build its projections rather than reflect accurate information about actuality. When using corrupt data, the mind massages its unconscious content into pictures that appear to be of “external” things. When I tell you that you are the cause of what is happening inside of me, I have become the equivalent of a full-fledged, card-carrying member of the universal, One World Religion of Blame! What Job did to reach his ability to heal, was give up his membership card in that one world religion.


ALL perception — the “world” made up by us — including sensations in the “body” are autobiographical! Projection is not the act of pretending something inside of me is outside of me, it is the act of building realities out of resonated internal content and pretending that hologram, that image, that results is actually out there!


What Is The World? How do I Forgive? A short, 40-minute explanation…  


And a more detailed, “How To” explaining exactly how is 1st Century Aramaic Forgiveness carried out. Why Is This Happening TO ME… AGAIN?! The full 3-hour workshop…

And a free download of the book… “Why Is This Happening To Me… AGAIN?!” (in 9 languages) which also explains how…


Here is a link to a Power Point presentation that visually details the process…


For insight into what a deep ancestral work looks like…


The world’s only Forgiveness App… Search in your App Store for “HeartLand Aramaic Forgiveness,” and find “How-to” instructions at…


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